Is Shopify Dropshipping Worth It?

Dropshipping is a way of selling physical products without touching the prouducts yourself, simply by making yourself the middle-person in the transaction, connecting customer with a supplier. Before we dive into an in-depth analysis of whether dropshipping with Shopify is worth it, let’s start with some basics. 

While dropshipping can absolutely be worth it on Shopify (or any platform) it’s important to understand that Shopify is merely a platform for selling a product, but it isn’t a traffic source. So it really depends on what you’re trying to sell, if there is search data to support demand for that product, and how you’re going to peel off some of the traffic for your website. 

Shopify Dropshipping Tips

Quick Tip 1: Niche Selection Matters. Selecting the appropriate niche plays a pivotal role in achieving success in dropshipping. Opting for a place that resonates with your interests and caters to a target audience capable of making purchases is going to make or break your new business. To make an informed decision, look into the Google Keyword Planner, SEO keyword tools, and take a look at your competition on various platforms like Alibaba, Amazon, Etsy, Reb Bubble, etc to see if anyone else is already selling the product so you can reverse engineer their success.

Quick Tip 2: Supplier Dependability

The selection of your suppliers holds significant importance for the success of your dropshipping venture. It is crucial to collaborate with trustworthy suppliers known for delivering high-quality products, punctual shipping services, and exceptional customer support. Order the product for yourself, try it out, and see if you’re comfortable selling it on Shopify.

Quick Tip 3: Focus on Marketing Effective marketing is essential in dropshipping because if people don’t know you exist, they won’t know to buy from you! Consider focusing your efforts on digital marketing tactics like social media, make how-to videos with the product, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) blog posts on your Shopify (or website). 

Remember: Shopify is not a traffic source; it is a platform that makes website creation easy and includes a robust shopping cart for checkout. It will not bring you a customer on its own, though!

Quick Tip 4: Deliver exceptional customer service to establish credibility and encourage loyal, returning customers. One of the best ways to do this is to keep tabs on the first 100 orders that ship out, make sure they reach their destination, and reach out afterwards to get feedback from your customers to see if you can improve anything. 

Also, consider getting live chat on the site so you can quickly answer customer questions or address concerns. This will also help your conversion rate like crazy.

Have a support email that is easy to find, and make sure you answer people promptly, and consider offering a hassle-free return policy if they’re unhappy.

Quick Tip 5: Platform Selection Now, let’s focus on the core question: Is Shopify the ultimate solution for dropshipping? Let’s explore Shopify in-depth and compare it to alternative platforms to answer that.

Examining the Advantages and Disadvantages of Utilizing Shopify for Dropshipping

Shopify in Focus

Shopify has solidified its position as a significant contender within e-commerce platforms, rendering it a preferred option for many individuals engaged in dropshipping. To dive deeper, let’s explore the features and offerings provided by Shopify.

Ease of Use and User-Friendly Interface

Shopify is renowned for its easily navigable platform, catering to those with limited technical knowledge and experience. Its intuitive control panel enables you to oversee your online store effortlessly.

A diverse array of themes and extensive customization possibilities

Shopify provides an extensive array of expertly crafted themes, encompassing both cost-free and premium options. This diversity in theme selection empowers you to prepare a one-of-a-kind and visually captivating online storefront that aligns seamlessly with your brand.

Integration with Third-Party Apps and Tools

One of Shopify’s strengths is its robust ecosystem of third-party apps and tools. These apps expand the platform’s functionality, allowing you to add features like email marketing, inventory management, and customer support. This flexibility ensures that your dropshipping business can adapt to your evolving needs.

Payment Processing and Security

Shopify simplifies payment processing by offering a built-in payment gateway and supporting multiple payment methods. It also prioritizes security, providing SSL encryption and compliance with industry standards. This burstiness in payment options and security measures assures you and your customers.

The Cons of Using Shopify for Dropshipping

While Shopify offers many advantages, it has drawbacks. Let’s explore the cons of using Shopify for dropshipping, providing a balanced perspective.

Cost Considerations

Shopify’s pricing structure includes monthly subscription fees, transaction fees, and the cost of third-party apps. For newcomers on a tight budget, these expenses may be a concern. 

Shopify vs WordPress vs PayPal vs Square vs Stripe

A big comparison between the top providers

Service Type Provider Basic Plan Pricing Monthly Basic Plan Pricing Annual Additional Notes
E-commerce Platform Shopify $29/month $348/year (Basic) The credit card rates for the Starter plan, for instance, are 2.9% + 30 cents for online transactions in the USA
Web Hosting InMotion $2.49/month (Core Plan, annually) $29.88/year Monthly plans available at higher rates.
Bluehost $2.95/month (Basic Shared Hosting, annually) $35.40/year Renewal rates higher.
DreamHost $2.59/month (Shared Starter Plan, annually) $31.08/year Monthly plans available at higher rates.
Payment Processors PayPal 2.99% + $0.49 per transaction (Credit/Debit Card) Varies by transaction volume Various fees for different transaction types.
Square 2.6% + $0.10 per transaction (In-person) Varies by transaction volume Different rates for online and manually-entered payments.
Stripe Typically around 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction (Online) Varies by transaction volume Rates may vary; check Stripe’s website for up-to-date information.

Is Shopify Worth It For Dropshipping?

  • Cost: Shopify’s basic plan costs $29 per month, amounting to $348 per year. This is significantly higher than the annual costs of basic plans for the other web hosting services mentioned.
  • Features and Complexity: While Shopify is a robust e-commerce platform providing various tools and features for online stores, this complexity might not be necessary for all businesses. For instance, if you are sourcing products from Alibaba or another supplier, you will need to find the right plugins to integrate these services with Shopify, which can add to the cost and complexity.
  • Customer Acquisition: Shopify does not inherently drive customers to your store; you need to invest in separate marketing and SEO strategies to attract traffic and sales.

Shopify vs WordPress

  • Cost: Web hosting services like InMotion, Bluehost, and DreamHost offer much cheaper basic plans compared to Shopify, with annual costs ranging from about $30 to $36, often including the domain name for free.
  • Simplicity and Functionality: For a basic e-commerce operation, a simple WordPress site can be sufficient. By integrating a PayPal button for transactions, you can set up an e-commerce site at a fraction of the cost of Shopify. This setup can be particularly cost-effective for small businesses or startups with limited budgets.
  • Flexibility: WordPress offers extensive flexibility with its vast plugins and themes. While you might need to integrate certain functionalities manually, it provides a more customizable and potentially less expensive solution than Shopify.
  • For Cost-Conscious Businesses: If you are looking to minimize expenses, starting with a basic WordPress site hosted on services like InMotion, Bluehost, or DreamHost, and using PayPal for transactions can be a highly cost-effective solution. This setup is especially suitable for businesses with straightforward e-commerce needs.
  • For Advanced Needs: If your business requires more advanced e-commerce features, customer management tools, and integrations, Shopify could be a worthwhile investment despite its higher cost.


To summarize, determining whether Shopify is the ideal choice for your dropshipping venture comes with various answers. It hinges on your business requirements, financial constraints, and proficiency in the field.

Shopify offers many features and customization options, making it a compelling choice for many drop shippers. However, weighing these benefits against the potential costs and complexities is essential.

Ultimately, Shopify’s versatility, combined with its extensive support and resources, positions it as a strong contender in the world of dropshipping. But to make an informed decision, consider your unique goals and the niche you plan to enter.

Remember that dropshipping success goes beyond your choice of platform. It involves effective marketing, excellent customer service, and continuous adaptation to market trends. By considering these factors and leveraging the capabilities of platforms like Shopify, you can embark on a successful dropshipping journey.

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