Is HubPages a Scam or a Good Traffic Source

In the ever-evolving landscape of online content creation, platforms like HubPages have become significant for writers looking to publish their work and earn an income. Established in 2006, HubPages has undergone several changes, most notably its transition to a multi-site business model in 2016. This article delves into the legitimacy of HubPages as a traffic and income source as of 2021, exploring its community and monetization potential and comparing it with running a personal blog.

HubPages Explained

HubPages is a user-generated content and revenue-sharing website. It allows writers, known as ‘Hubbers,’ to publish articles on various topics. What sets HubPages apart is its emphasis on quality and SEO optimization. Each article receives a quality score, aligning with best SEO practices, which is crucial for higher rankings on search engines. This scoring system guides writers to produce superior content and enhances visibility in search results.

Monetization on HubPages

One of the most critical aspects for content creators is monetization. On HubPages, writers earn money through ads and affiliate links, with earnings depending on the number of views their articles receive. However, it’s essential to note that HubPages is not a ‘get rich quick’ platform. Success in monetization requires patience, consistent publishing of high-quality articles, and a focus on engaging topics that are not extensively covered elsewhere. Personal experiences with earnings on

HubPages vary. Some writers report a slow start, with gradual increases in income as they continue to produce high-quality, SEO-friendly content. The minimum payout threshold is $50, which can take time to reach, especially for new writers. However, once established, many find their articles generate a steady stream of passive income.

Community and Support During Challenges

A standout feature of HubPages is its active and supportive community. Writers on the platform are not alone; they can share experiences, seek advice, and find solutions to common problems through forums and discussions. This sense of community was particularly evident during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic, where Hubbers shared tips and encouragement, demonstrating the platform’s resilience and solidarity among its users.

Personal Experiences and Success Stories

Diving into personal experiences, many Hubbers have shared their journeys, highlighting both successes and learning curves. For instance, one user detailed their progression from earning a few cents per day to a consistent and more substantial daily income by focusing on longer, higher-quality articles. These stories underscore the importance of persistence and adapting content strategies over time.

Comparison with Personal Blogging

While HubPages offers built-in traffic, community support, and a platform for monetization, it’s worth comparing it to the potential of running a personal blog. Personal blogging allows for greater control over content and monetization strategies. Additionally, owning a blog can lead to higher earnings, given the right approach to content and audience engagement. However, this comes with generating traffic and building an audience from scratch, a challenge that HubPages partly addresses for its writers.


As of 2021, HubPages stands as a legitimate platform for content creators. It offers a supportive community, a focus on quality content, and a fair monetization system. While it might not be the fastest route to significant earnings, it provides a valuable opportunity for writers to hone their skills, earn passive income, and be part of an engaging community. Developing a personal blog could be a more suitable long-term strategy for those seeking more control and higher potential earnings. Ultimately, the choice depends on individual goals, expertise, and the commitment level of the content creator.


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